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We explain the most frequently asked health related questions from expats and give precious advice when you live abroad.

Health 4 September 2020
From the waiting room to your sofa: how healthcare enters your home thanks to telehealth

  We all remember sitting endlessly in the waiting room of your doctor just to hear it is nothing to worry about. Our lives have digitalized so much that healthcare cannot stay behind. Nowadays we all want easy access not only to our bank account or our insurance company, but also to talk to a…

Health 12 August 2020
Experience feedback on teleconsultation

  Our brand-new telemedicine service was launched in April 2020, in collaboration with our partner Teladoc health, the telehealth specialist. The service are available to all our clients 24/7 and at no cost. We are very proud to offer this innovative approach of medical consultation to all our policy holders and their family members. Some…

Health 17 July 2020
Second Opinion: making sure you are taking the right decision

  And then it happens, you injure your knee; you have a mole that looks funny or you have symptoms that might indicate a chronic or serious disease. Of course your first step is to make an appointment with your doctor and if the complaints persist he might refer you to a specialist. In most…

Health 24 June 2020
Seasonal allergies: good practices and how to treat them

Seasonal allergies are among the most common allergies in Europe, affecting almost half of the population. They belong to the many respiratory allergies caused by pollution and allergens (grasses, trees, herbs) in the air. Spring and early summer are the most favourable seasons for pollen allergy, commonly known as “hay fever”. If you are prone…

Expat life 16 June 2020
Vaccination: preventing health problems before going abroad

First, it is important to remember that vaccines can save lives, every second and everywhere in the world. Moving to a foreign country is often an opportunity to review your immunization record and any reminders you may need to make. The objective of this article is to answer the most frequently asked questions related to…

Health 29 May 2020
Prostate cancer: often silently present

  Cancer is unfortunately still one of the leading causes of death in the western world, accounting for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018 of which 1.28 million were from prostate cancer. However, the slow growth rate of this type of cancer makes it in most cases a highly manageable illness. The diagnosis of…

Health 18 May 2020
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

  An increasing number of expats are suffering from STDs and this trend should clearly be alarming us. This is obviously resulting from careless sexual behavior and unprotected sex, but possibly also from myths or misconceptions about sexually transmitted diseases. Being an expat often means the opportunity of living life to the fullest, to be…

Health 8 May 2020
Asthma: What is it, what causes it, and how to avoid exacerbations and triggers

Asthma is a chronic condition that causes narrowing, irritation and inflammation of the lung’s airways in the presence of certain triggers, such as allergens or pollution. This creates symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing. Today, most of us know at least someone with asthma, and we may actually suffer from it ourselves…

Health 5 May 2020
Tips on how to properly use and wear your medical mask

  In these times of coronavirus outbreak, wearing a mask is one of the most important hygienic recommendations to protect yourself and others from COVID19 contamination. This article provides useful best practices on medical masks usage.   Which masks should I use? There are several categories of masks to be used, which usually differ by…

Health 30 April 2020
A Hawkes process to make people aware of the severity of COVID-19 outbreak in France

This article was written by  Foyer’s Data Studio, just before the lockdown in France on March 16, 2020.   Insurance companies have a huge amount of data about their customers.With the emergence of disciplines such as machine learning and deep learning, these companies could extract a lot of unknown information in order to offer a…