Our posts: Well-being
Discover mental health articles tailored for expats, featuring expert advice and resources to navigate emotional well-being and adaptation abroad.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), maintaining a healthy diet, a normal weight and a certain amount of physical activity throughout life would be enough to prevent a third of cancer cases. On the other hand, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking cause up to 80% of premature coronary heart disease. In…

In an era defined by relentless distractions and increasing demands, the quest for mental clarity and peak performance has never been more pressing. At the heart of this pursuit lies the concept of the flow state of mind, a phenomenon studied extensively by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the pioneers of positive psychology. The flow state…

The Romans said it centuries ago: mens sana in corpore sano. And it is true: exercise is good for our bodies and our minds. It has immediate and long-term benefits for the brain, prevents neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and even makes us happy. But why is exercise so good for us? Benefits of exercise…

Individuals, couples and families who left the ‘comfort’ of their home for study, work, love or simply for adventure all agree that living abroad can be both exhilarating and challenging at the same time. Learning about new cultures and customs, meeting new people and finding your way in a new environment all require patience, understanding…

Around the world – wherever we are – we are increasingly aware of personal wellbeing and relative holistic approaches. Today we are asking, what exactly does it mean, and does it mean the same in all corners of the world? Read on to find out more, and consider actions you can take to improve your…

Being abroad has a direct impact on your mental state. For most expats this can fluctuate from time to time – one moment you´re confident and you feel fully at ease and happy with the life you are experiencing, and at another moment you might miss home, your friends, and family or just that typical…

It’s no secret: Mondays are (usually) disliked. They start the week by reminding us of everything we have to do and how much is left to do at the end of the week. But are all Mondays equally “tortuous”? Will 16 January be the worst in 2023? The third Monday in January is called “Blue…

Expatriation is a complex and multifaceted event. It often gives rise to contradictory and sometimes destabilising emotions for those who are confronted with it. These strong emotions can represent a real psychological challenge for the expatriate. Expatriation amidst enthusiasm and doubts Moving abroad requires a physical, emotional and psychological effort that confronts the expatriate with…