Preparing your expatriation: the most searched terms on Google

21 July 2022 Expat life

The desire to be elsewhere, to change one’s life, to learn foreign languages: there are many reasons that drive the choice to expatriate. The pandemic, which put a stop to our usual routines and, for some of us, freed up some time, has allowed us to refocus, to take stock of our lives and to carry out projects, including moving to another country. However, preparing for expatriation has its share of questions, worries and doubts for which Google offers us some relief.

Moving abroad: the countries in vogue

The first step when preparing for expatriation: choosing the country in which we will settle for the long term! The first selection is often based on two criteria: language proficiency and interest in a given culture. South America, Asia, Europe or Africa: which continent is the most sought-after country for expatriation? The World Relocation Want ranking published by the Australian comparator Compare The Market presents the 20 most popular countries. At the top of the ranking, we can find the country of maple syrup and caribou; you guessed it, Canada! The second most popular country for those thinking of moving abroad is Japan, the land of the rising sun. Finally, to complete the podium, Spain is highly sought after for its quality of life.

In the top 20, we find 7 other European countries: France (5th), Greece (10th), Portugal (13th), Sweden, tied 15th with Bulgaria, Germany and Italy. Among the Asian countries are: Turkey, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and the Philippines. Three African countries nestle in this table: South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria.

Which topics are the most researched to prepare for expatriation?

Now that we have identified our favourite countries for expatriation, let’s take a look at the most searched terms and questions. The social listing tool Trajaan conducted a survey on the main concerns of French expatriates based on their Google searches; they include:

  • Finding work (49.3%)
  • Studying (12.2%)
  • How to find accommodation (10%)
  • How to obtain a work visa (7.5%)
  • Social security for expatriates (7.2%)
  • Health insurance (4.7%)
  • Telephone package (4.2%)
  • Health insurance for expatriates (approx. 2%).

As can be seen in the process, the priority objective is to find a goal: to study (universities, school systems) or to look for a job and obtain a visa, followed by more concrete issues related to the relocation: housing, social security, company health insurance and social security.

Health insurance for expatriates: when you are sure to be moving

Once all the parameters have been validated, you need to know which expatriation insurance to choose! If, as for expatriating to Costa Rica, the health system is more accessible than in other countries such as Thailand, for example, where some expenses are not reimbursed such as repatriation or specific dental or optical expenses, for instance. You can check out our three expat health insurance plans and find out which one is best suited to your needs.

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