Second Opinion: making sure you are taking the right decision

17 July 2020 Health Insurance


And then it happens, you injure your knee; you have a mole that looks funny or you have symptoms that might indicate a chronic or serious disease. Of course your first step is to make an appointment with your doctor and if the complaints persist he might refer you to a specialist.

In most cases your specialist will do additional testing, a physical examination and when all the information is complete, (s)he will give you a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

But what if…..

….your diagnosis is not that clear to you

….there are several treatment options

….you do not feel comfortable with the proposed treatment

….you just want to be absolutely sure before you start a treatment or undergo an operation

A Second Opinion could be a good way to make sure that the diagnosis received, or the treatment proposed is the best course of action for you!

What options are there if we´re talking about a Second Opinion? You could ask your treating physician or General Practitioner if (s)he could refer you to another specialist to make sure you are making the right decision. Or you could use Foyer Global Health’s Second Opinion service at no additional cost.

We work together with Best Doctors and gives you access to the world’s leading medical specialists and to definitive medical information, from the comfort of your own home. The experts of Best Doctors provide a Second Opinion with an in-depth analysis of your case. These specialist are carefully selected from a database of more than 50,000 doctors covering over 450 specialties and subspecialties to ensure that the most appropriate physician for your case will revise it. This service is confidential and none of the information is shared with us. It complements the care your own local doctor is providing and can offer you the additional comfort that you need.

The goal of a Second Opinion is to get the best treatment for your specific situation and if this is the same as your treating physician that means that you are in the right hands and that is also great to know and will offer peace of mind.

Best Doctors numbers1 show that in approximately 23% of the cases there is a change of diagnosis and in half of the cases a different treatment has been advised. So asking for a Second Opinion and making sure that you are on the right track is really essential and an important topic to discuss with your treating physician. Most (of them nowadays) are open minded about requesting a Second Opinion and are interested to learn about how another specialist looks at your situation and his/her findings.



1 Source: Best Doctors reporting for Foyer 2016 – June 2020

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