Why expatriate to Costa Rica?

22 July 2022 Expat life

Would you know where to locate Costa Rica on a world map? The small country of 5 million inhabitants is nestled between Panama to the south-east and Nicaragua to the north. With its idyllic climate and postcard-perfect scenery, many foreigners want to expatriate to Costa Rica. Nonetheless, the country has many advantages that we invite you to discover!

Moving to Costa Rica: the avantages

Climate and biodiversity: did you know that Costa Rica is the country with the highest biodiversity per square kilometre in the world, with more than 500,000 species in the territory. Moreover, 25% of its territory is protected: a sign of the will to preserve biodiversity and promote green tourism. With more than 150 microclimates, there are two main seasons in the country: the dry season from December to April, which is characterised by hot months (mainly March and April). Then, there is a wet season, called temporada verde, from May to November with more or less heavy rainfall.  The average temperature ranges from 20 to 30 degrees all year round (and rarely drops below 15 degrees).

Political stability: you can move to Costa Rica without too much concern! Like Switzerland, the country has advocated “active neutrality” since 1983 and has no security forces. It is also home to the United Nations Peace University and has the most sustainable democracy in Central America. Finally, according to the NGO Transparency International, which publishes an annual corruption perception index, the country has a good ranking. In 2021, it was considered less corrupt than Italy, for example.

An excellent health system: ranked among the 20 best systems in the world according to the WHO, the country has a lot of new infrastructure and a constantly-trained staff. In addition to highly qualified staff and clean hospitals, the system is characterised by affordable health care costs. Two systems coexist in the country: the Caja for Caja Costarricense de Seguro Socia which is the public health system and the private system. As proof of the excellent health system, the life expectancy is 80 years old compared to 72 years old in the world.

Less bureaucracy: opening a business in Costa Rica is not complicated, because of the speed of the procedures and also because a high budgetary investment is not necessary.

As for finances, the cost of living in Costa Rica is lower than in Europe (about 30% lower). In fact, the purchasing power is much higher than in Europe or North America; we can count:

  • 6.5 euros in a fast-food menu and 18 euros in a restaurant;
  • 72 cents for a bus ride and 95 cents for a taxi ride;
  • €1.20 for a litre of milk and €1.40 for bread;
  • €47 for an internet package;
  • €5.2 for a cinema ticket;
  • An average salary of about $728 or €740.

Other advantages include:

  • A well-developed and efficient road and maritime network;
  • The school system;
  • A good overall quality of telecommunications (telephone, internet).

 If you are interested in Central America and would like to expatriate to Mexico, please read the testimonial that we have published.

Which expatriate health insurance for Costa Rica?

As there is no such thing as a perfect healthcare system, it is necessary to take out expatriate health insurance when you settle in your new homeland. In Costa Rica, for example, repatriation is at the patient’s expense. The health care system in Costa Rica is very good, but it has its limitations and you should take the necessary precautions with an expatriate health insurance in Costa Rica, depending on your health conditions. Maternity, dental, optical, hospitalisation or repatriation: discover our offers for you and your family to expatriate with a sense of serenity.

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