International Health Insurance for Expats in Cambodia

International Health Insurance for Expats in Cambodia

Discover our health insurance policies specifically designed for expats in Cambodia

Foyer Global Health covers expats’ health in Cambodia who are seeking for a private health insurance solution tailored to their needs.

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After three decades of war, Cambodia began recovering and returning to peace in the 1990’s.  Thanks to international aid and private foreign investment, the health sector, like the economy, is booming.

What do you need to consider when relocating to Cambodia? Are you wondering what the Cambodian health system offers? Where can you go for treatment?

Foyer Global Health has prepared a guide to answer these questions and explain why private international health insurance may well be your best option.

A rapidly evolving health and social security system

Since the end of the 1990s, which marked the beginning of the country’s political stabilisation period, the Cambodian Ministry of Health has undertaken major reforms to improve the country’s healthcare system and achieve universal health coverage. These reforms have been supported by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank.

In 2016, the government began implementing the Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project (H-EQIP) with the aim of accelerating the country’s development. This project will be extended to 2027 to ensure the strengthening, accessibility, quality and sustainability of the healthcare system.

healthcare cambodia
Source: Freepik

Established in 2007, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), forms the basis of Cambodia’s social security system. It is not yet universal and essentially protects registered workers in a country where the informal economy plays a large role. It mainly covers accidents at work, occupational diseases and basic healthcare in the public sector.

What is the quality of healthcare in Cambodia?

Despite the progress that has been made, due to a lack of financial resources, outdated medical equipment and a shortage of qualified staff, the quality of Cambodia’s public sector health infrastructure and services remains rather uncertain. In addition, public facilities are often overcrowded and struggle to provide effective medical care.

Private health facilities, which are in full development, offer better health services than public facilities despite existing disparities in terms of quality of care and medical equipment.

Some private hospitals and clinics in the Cambodian capital and other major cities provide high-quality health services and employ competent medical staff trained in the country or abroad. These private health services can, however, quickly prove expensive and require comprehensive health cover.

Where can I go for treatment?

For the reasons outlined above, most expatriates choose to seek treatment in Cambodia’s private hospitals and clinics, or outside the country.

The best hospitals in Cambodia are:

cambodia hospitals
Sourc:e: Freepik

Getting treatment… elsewhere!

Some expatriates prefer to seek healthcare in neighbouring capitals such as Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur which offer better health services, particularly for specialist care, major surgery and obstetrics. In recent years, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia have become key destinations for regional medical tourism.

Good to know:

  • On the maternity front: some pregnant expatriates choose not to give birth in Cambodia and leave the country for the last trimester. Due to Cambodia’s high infant mortality rate, Thos in the last trimester go to Thailand or their country of origin
  • In the event of a medical emergency requiring specialist care, evacuation to Thailand or repatriation is recommended.
  • Beware of sellers of out-of-date or counterfeit medicines; prefer pharmaceutical chains such as Ucare and Western Pharmacy.
  • No vaccinations are compulsory, but it is recommended to get vaccinations against rabies and Japanese encephalitis.
  • Emergency number: 119
cambodia health expat
Source : Freepik

Healthcare costs in Cambodia

The cost of healthcare varies considerably from one medical facility to another, especially in the private sector. For example, in the private sector, a consultation with a general practitioner costs between €5 and €90, and an overnight stay in hospital costs between €100 and €574. The price of health services in the private sector can quickly escalate, and it is strongly recommended that you take out comprehensive and effective private health insurance.

However, dental care in Cambodia is of very high quality and much cheaper than in neighbouring countries such as Thailand.

Why take out international private health insurance for your expatriation to Cambodia?

Public health insurance in Cambodia is still in its infancy and does not offer effective protection for expatriates. In the private sector, health services are generally of good quality but expensive and require comprehensive cover. Furthermore, if you wish to have the choice of receiving medical treatment in Cambodia, in other countries in the region or in your home country, it is recommended to take out a health insurance policy that offers you unlimited coverage.

cambodia expat insurance

Why choose Foyer Global Health for your expatriation in Cambodia?

  • Protecting the health of expatriates is our speciality!
  • We offer you fully tailored international health insurance valid in Cambodia, in your country of origin and anywhere in the world!
  • Our health insurance is effective from the very first euro and you do not have to pay upfront.
  • You will benefit from an evacuation and/or repatriation plan in the event of a medical emergency or major health problem
  • Our insurance plans are comprehensive and include emergency care, maternity and optical care.

Would you like to find out more about our international health insurance plans for your relocation to Cambodia? Contact our international private health insurance experts today! To receive a free quote quickly, click here!