Health insurance for cross-border commuters
Keep your mind at ease
Whether in Switzerland or France, your health knows no borders
As a cross-border commuter, you have the option of receiving medical treatment in Switzerland as well as in France, or opting for a health insurance policy designed to treat you exclusively in your country of residence.
Your membership at Helsana or at the French social security system covers you for basic benefits in Switzerland and/or France, in accordance with the benefits in Switzerland and/or France, in accordance with the respective statutory benefits, depending on the coverage you have chosen. The EPION supplementary cover takes care of the rest!
Your advantages with our supplementary health insurance for cross-border commuters
Coverage in Switzerland and France
Gain in convenience by being covered on both sides of the border, both in Switzerland and France
Quality of hospital care
Get access to the highest quality and safety of hospital care in Switzerland
Dental benefits
Get reimbursed for dental care up to 4000€
Our Epion products
Our three Epion products are adapted to your social security system, whether you are affiliated to the French Social Security or LAMal.

Adapted to LAMal
EPION TotalCare guarantees access to the very best treatments in France and Switzerland in the medical establishment of your choice.
More details
100% reimbursement in addition to statutory insurance benefits
Reimbursement limited to 80% without the intervention of the legal insurance
Inpatient treatment
Treatment in Switzerland and in your country of residence without financial limit and regardless of the duration of hospitalisation
Outpatient treatment
Dental treatment

Adapted to French Social Security
EPION FlexCare offers coverage for medical care in France and Switzerland with reimbursement of actual costs for hospitalisation under the general scheme and the flexibility to access a semi-private or private plan.
More details
100% reimbursement in addition to statutory insurance benefits
Reimbursement limited to 80% without the intervention of the legal insurance.
Inpatient treatment
100% reimbursement under the private scheme in France
100% reimbursement under the general scheme in Switzerland
100% reimbursement subject to an excess of 2,500 euros per hospitalisation in semi-private scheme in Switzerland
100% reimbursement subject to an excess of 5,000 euros per hospitalisation under the private scheme in Switzerland.
Outpatient treatment
Dental treatment

Social security / LAMal exclusively in France
EPION Care offers a free choice of medical providers in France with 100% reimbursement of actual costs after social security intervention.
More details
Inpatient treatment
100% reimbursement in France, regardless of whether or not the statutory insurance is involved.
Outpatient treatment
Dental treatment
Your health insurance premium according to your profile
The prices shown are indicative and correspond to the average rates of the Epion brand.

Emmanuelle, 43 years old
Affiliated to LAMal, Emmanuelle wishes to be treated on both sides of the border. In the event of hospitalisation, she would like to be treated exclusively in France. The Epion TotalCare solution was therefore best suited to her requirements.
Her monthly payment: 132€/month

Amar, 28 years old
Amar is affiliated to the French social security system and intends to receive medical care exclusively in France. He benefits from the EpionCare plan.
Sa mensualité : 88€/month

Clément, 39 years old and Yasmine, 35 years old
Clément is affiliated to LAMal and has subscribed to Epion TotalCare. He has added his wife Yasmine to the insurance policy, she is covered by Epion FlexCare. They are planning to expand their family in the near future and insure the child with Epion FlexCare.
Monthly payment per adult : 145€/month

Julien, 36 years old, Agnès, 37 years old and Léa, 15 years old
Julien, affiliated to the CPAM, is covered by Epion FlexCare after taking out the insurance. It is important for him to be insured in France and Switzerland. His wife, Agnes, is covered by Epion Care, so is their daughter, Lea, who needs orthodontic treatment.
The monthly payment per adult: 137€/month
and per child: 53€/month
Receive your personalised quote
Do not hesitate to leave us your contact details, we will be delighted to contact you and advise you on the right choice of your complementary health insurance!